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Jess Van Zeil (she/her)
Disability, Chronic Illness & Cancer Survivorship
Place of Birth: South Africa
Current location: Cranbourne, Victoria, Australia
Age: 29 years old
Language/s: English only
NDIS Participant: Previously an NDIS participant
Diagnoses: Ocular melanoma, Stage 4 melanoma (Brain Mets), Addison’s disease, Anxiety, Precancerous changes to cervix, adenomyosis, endometriosis (stage 4), infertility (complicated due to cancer), facial difference, monocular, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (in childhood)
Healthcare Access: Primary Health Care, Mental Health, Allied Health, Secondary and Tertiary care
Jess Van Zeil is an eye patch wearing, 29-year-old best-selling author and resilience expert who has been featured in media internationally. She has faced a multitude of challenges in her life, including being diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer when she was 22. Jess has become a passionate and highly respected advocate for cancer survivorship, early detection and prevention, and lives with an acquired disability, facial difference (monocular) and various chronic illnesses. As a result, she’s learned a lot about resilience and the art of bouncing back! Jess realised she didn’t want anyone to face life’s challenges unarmed. The art and science of building resilience has become her passion. Jess developed the PATCH system which will gives people the skills and tools to grow and thrive when faced with change. She has shared her story and the PATCH methodology on stages across Australia to audiences up to 7,000 people, including the NAC in 2018 alongside Tony Robbins, Turia Pitt, Michelle Bridges and Naomi Simson. In 2019 Jess’ book “Eye Won” was published internationally.
Published author in 2019 'Eye Won'
Graduated Bachelor’s degree in nutrition with Vice Chancellors Medal of Excellence while undergoing stage 4 melanoma treatment
Completed Post graduate studies
Hiked the Kokoda track 2 years after relearning to walk.
Relearning to walk after brain surgery.
Professional speaking training.
Spoken on many stages with audiences up to 7000, average audience of 300 people.
Been featured on Channel 10 news, 9 news, 60 minutes and more.
Featured in lots of media articles internationally
Wrote a blog and featured in promo content for Shameless media
Collaborated with Sony Foundation as an ambassador.
Ambassador roles for multiple cancer/melanoma orgs.
Former co-chair of the Vic Youth cancer advisory board for 2 years.
Currently the National Operations Manager for Little Dreamers
Jess Van Zeil - Jess' website
'You Can - Facility designed by young cancer patients' - Jess featured on 60 minutes
'Eye Won: Powerfully Positive, Ridiculously Resilient' - Jess' book on Amazon
'Brave young woman who lost her eye to cancer and nearly died after Aussie doctors dismissed her concerns as 'nothing to worry about' reveals the ONE warning sign they should have taken seriously' - Jess featured by the Daily Mail
'Jess’s big news' - Jess featured by Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation
'Jess Van Zeil - Eye Won' - Jess interviewed on 'Resilience Project' Podcast
'Jess Van Zeil (Ocular Cancer resulting in the removal of eye) | #23' - Jess interviewed on 'Listenable' podcast
Jess Van Zeil - Youtube Channel
'What it’s like to lose an eye to melanoma' - Jess feature in 'This.' by Deakin University
'THIS IS BRAVE: JESS VAN ZEIL' - Jess for Coolibar Blog
'Cancer survivor Jess Van Zeil discusses importance of sun safety' - Jess featured on
'Insight extras, Cancer Sucks, Jess Van Zeil' - Jess on Insights SBS
'Jess Van Zeil: Managing Health Anxiety & Leaning Into Resilience' - Jess interviewed on the 'I Can't Stand' podcast
'Woman Loses Eye To Rare Form Of Ocular Melanoma' - Jess featured by Melanoma Research Victoria
'Conjunctival Ocular Melanoma Survivor' - Jess interview on Ants Talk podcast
'The inspirational woman beating cancer, one eye-patch at a time' - Jess featured in New Idea
'I Thought It Was Just a Sore. It Turned Out to Be Melanoma' - Jess featured in Allure
'Jessica Van Zeil ~ ' Eye Won'' - Jess interviewed by Got You Girl
'Your Story Series: Meet Jess' - Jess interview with Solbari
'The campaign Peter Overton wants all Aussies to get behind this Easter' - Jess featured on 9 News
'Young Woman Who Had Her Eye Removed To Treat An Aggressive Cancer Has Now Fought Off FIVE Brain Tumours!' - Jess featured in Real Fix
'Jess Van Zeil: advocate & survivor' - Jess interviewed by Shine Safe
'Peter Mac to the Kokoda Track - Patient Jess Van Ziel's Story' - Jess featured by Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation
'Gratitude and Guilt Fill My Heart When I Think About Cancer' - Jess writes for I Had Cancer
'Episode 11: Jess Van Zeil' - Jess interviewed on the 'Unconfined Mind' Podcast
'Ep. 45 There's No Such Thing as a Safe Suntan with Melanoma Survivor Jess Van Zeil' - Jess interviewed on 'The Body Confident Pod'
'A Story of Losing Sight and Gaining Vision with Jess Van Zeil' - Jess interviewed on 'Heal Thy Skin by' podcast
'Powerfully Positive Jess' - Jess interviewed on 'Untapped Magic' podcast
'S01E27 - Stage IV Ocular Melanoma Survivor, Best-selling Author and Resilience Expert, Jess Van Zeil' - Jess interviewed on 'Chi Chat' podcast
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