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Angel has long brown hair and brown eyes and smiles to camera, wearing a white singlet.

Angel Crowden (she/her)

Maternity, Cardiology, Vascular, Chronic Illness & Disability


Place of Birth: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Current location: Capalaba, Brisbane
Age: 23 years 
Language/s: English only
NDIS Participant: No
Diagnoses: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Pelvic Congestion Syndrome & May Thurner Syndrome
Healthcare Access: Primary Health Care, Secondary and Tertiary care, Mental Health & Maternity 


Angel Crowden is an advocate for chronic illness, invisible disabilities, mother of 2 children, wife and a commercial model and actress. After the birth of Angel's first child, she began developing debilitating symptoms resulting from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) causing her to face a health care system that made her feel invalidated and unsupported. This has motivated Angel to advocate for improvement in the diagnosis of chronic illnesses and the response to these by emergency departments. Throughout her second pregnancy, her condition deteriorated, leaving her to manage multiple chronic illnesses while raising a new born and a toddler. This has made Angel particularly passionate about improving the support available for mothers who are juggling illness as well as family life. 


  • Ambassador for the Wellness Empowerment Movement

  • Participant in focus group for chronic illness app development

  • Experience with product promotion through social media

  • Member of the Youth Health Forum (Consumer Health Forum of Australia)

  • Interviewed on The Largest Minority Podcast


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